Lunenberg NS has a new radio station
107.9 Go Rock is-on-the air, launching with veteran broadcasters from Nova Scotia and beyond.
The station is owned by Novacast Media and they have hired a full lineup of announcers.
For the morning show, Chris Pottie, who is a former afternoon show host on Evanov Communications’ Hot Country stations in Halifax, Brantford, Clarence/Rockland and Hawkesbury, he also did mornings on Live 105 Halifax. Sheilah MacDonald, former morning show co-host on New Country 103.5 in Sydney, takes on middays. Corey Mottley will be heard in afternoon drive. Mottley is a veteran of 97.7 HTZ-FM St. Catharines and 105.1 The River Niagara Falls.
Andrew Shaver will be heard evenings on Andrew’s Night Shift. Jeff Walker hosts Friday Night Loud, in addition to Sunday afternoons. Walker held various programming and on-air roles with XL103 Calgary, 96.9 JACK FM Calgary, and K-97 Edmonton, and others.
Rounding out the lineup is, Jody Seeley, who was the longtime morning show host and program director at Sun Country High River, who will be heard Saturday mornings as well as, Alison Clements, formerly of News 88.9 Saint John and News 95.7 Halifax, also joins the lineup.
Check out the stations website here