February 18, 2025


Radio and TV news

Gruff Gushnowski was also let go by Stingray

Gruff posted on Facebook that he to was caught up in the downsizing at Stingray this past week.

Here is his post on facebook


Life is an adventure.

Last week I was let go from Stingray Radio. First off…this happens in any industry…so this isn’t something that is specific to radio or to me. It’s not a slight at the employee or the company, when these things happen. I still am great Friends with everyone at Stingray (Including those who make these extremely tough decisions) & that will never change. The company is one of the best I’ve ever worked for & one day I’d love to go back & work with everyone…so this door hasn’t closed permanently…it’s just a change for now.

Radio has always been my passion…hopefully something will come up, but I’m also open to new avenues & opportunities. One thing for certain, I will NOT be a Farmer….that is for sure. LOL

I’ve had all mix of emotions the past week & a half. Anger, sadness, fear & also gratitude. Gratitude you say? You just lost your job? What is there to be grateful for? Well first off I’m grateful that I was given all the opportunities I had with this company since I rejoined in 2017. I’m grateful I got to meet, work with & become close to so many amazing people during my time. The biggest thing I’m sad about right now, is that I won’t see my Work Family on a day to day basis. These are people who I would go through a wall for. These are people who I laughed with, got angry with, cried with, experience all sorts of firsts & lasts together.

THIS IS NOT a negative thing what so ever & I want no negativity or anger. Those emotions, while normal & natural in this situation, do not help me, so it’s positives only (trust me I’ve let out all my bad/negative emotions out in a healthy way).

I’m scared…but I’m more excited as to what the future will hold for me.

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