Will Sonic change format and become XFM?

This is just an observation post about Sonic in Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Vancouver.
In April of this year some changes were made to Sonic. Alex Carr temporarily took over the morning show, even though he was listed from 12-6 on the website. Alex took the 6-12 shift Monday to Friday followed by evening host Darren from 12-6, then Greg Beharrell went from 6-11.
Well last week the website changed and it lists Alex officially 6-12 and Darren 12-6. But the biggest change was the weekend programming. Before Sunday would have Sonic unplugged and then ResurreXtion radio from 10-10 I believe it was. Well now Sonic unplugged is from 11pm-midnight Thursday to Sunday, although it conflicts with Sonic+ which also expanded to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday Sonic+ is on from 9pm to 1am and on Sunday from 9pm to 11pm.
But the biggest change came with ResurreXtion radio. It added a day. So Saturday and Sunday the show airs, from 9am to 9pm. It still has Danger and Jason Manning as hosts but added Lew MacDonald and Riley. Both hosts are from Kingstons K-Rock.
My thoughts are currently Sonic is testing the ResurreXtion weekends to see how it does. Clearly Sonic has not generated the listeners they were hoping for and now that The Peak is back in Vancouver, changes should be made.
If the changes are made I believe they will bring back XFM and run it as a classic alternative format. Something similar to the new 107.3 Edge in Calgary and Freq 90.5 in Peterborough. I believe a classic alternative format done well will be a ratings success in any market.